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LOS025 CBR Report

Field Description Remarks Table Column/Logic
Customer Name Name of customer
common_los.customers  logic - combination of first_name, middle_name, last_name
Application Number Application No
common_los.applications direct - application_no
Loan number Loan application no
common_los.applications direct - loan_application_no
CIF ID Customer No
common_los.customers  direct - customer_no
Last KYC Done Last CKYC Done date
common_los.customers direct - kyc_date
Politically Exposed Person Politically Exposed Person
common_los.customers logic - ye or no based on whether politically_exposed_person is true or false
Flag Form 60 Form 60
common_los.kyc_details logic - yes or no based on whether form 60 is submitted or not
Type of OVD Name of all ovd document other than aadhar, pan and form 60
common_los.kyc_details logic - name of all ovd document other than aadhar, pan and form 60 seperated by coma
PASSPORT NO Passport no
common_los.customers direct - passport
VOTER ID NO Voter id no
common_los.customers direct- voter_id
DRIVING LICENSE driving license no
common_los.customers direct - dl
Risk Category Risk Category
common_los.customers direct - risk_category

UCIC ucic no
common_los.customers direct - ucic_number