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Loan Action : Adhoc Receivable

POST Adhoc Receivable

This API facilitates the initiation of adhoc receivable requests within the SynoFin system. Users can create receivables associated with specific loan accounts by providing relevant details through the request body.

To make use of this API effectively, certain attributes fetched from the master need to be added to SynoFin Master either through the Admin panel or by contacting the Synoriq support team. Sample values are provided in the API documentation, which can be utilized for testing purposes.

To carry out a adhoc receivable, users must gather data for charges and other necessary information. This enables them to execute the adhoc receivable process effectively. Here is the method user can employ to retrieve the required data for adhoc receivable:

Retrieve Data for adhoc receivable

In order to retrieve information for Adhoc Receivable charges, users are required to utilize the SynoFin getDataForLoanAction API. This API facilitates the retrieval of all necessary information.

API Endpoint: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/service-request/getDataForLoanActions

Run in Postman: Get Data for Loan Action

Request Body

    "loan_id": "123", //replace with actual loanId
    "request_id": "adhoc_receivable"

Response Body

    "response": true,
    "data": {
        "tax_amount": null,
        "effective_amount": null,
        "receivableDueDate": "2029-10-10",
        "receivable_charge": [
                "key": "imd_income",
                "value": "IMD income",
                "is_tax_applicable": true
    "error": null

Another important API for Adhoc charges comes into play when the charge that is added is tax/GST applicable. This endpoint helps the user calculate the tax configured in the Synofin LMS system. If not configured, it can be added or reconfigured using the Synofin admin panel. Here is the method users can employ to calculate the taxed amount for adhoc receivables:

Calculate taxed amount for adhoc receivable

This API calculates the tax amount and total amount including tax for a given adhoc charge.

Note: All charges that are tax-applicable will be retrieved using the getDataForLoanAction with the key in the response as:

getDataForLoanAction Reference JSON

"receivable_charge": [
        "key": "imd_income", //charge code that need to be passed in the request param
        "value": "IMD income",
        "is_tax_applicable": true //if tax/GST is applicable as configured in SynoFin Admin else by default false 

API Endpoint: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/gst-calculation

Run in Postman: Calculate Tax/GST

Request Body


Response Body

    "response": true,
    "data": {
        "tax_amount": null,1800.0,
        "effective_amount"total_amount": null,
        "receivableDueDate": "2029-10-10",
        "receivable_charge": [
                "key": "imd_income",
                "value": "IMD income",
                "is_tax_applicable": true
    "error": null
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/service-request/save
Run in Postman: Loan Foreclosure


Request Type: POST
Authorization: Bearer Token

Query Params:
AttributeData TypeDescriptionMandatory
service_request_typestringType of service requestYes
service_request_subtypestringSubtype of service requestYes
service_typestringType of serviceNo
loan_idstringID of the loan associated with the requestYes
request_dataobjectAdditional data related to the requestYes
receivableDueDatestringDue date for the receivableYes
receivable_chargestringType of receivable chargeYes
amountstringAmount of the receivableYes
reasonstringReason for the requestYes
tax_amountstringAmount of tax associated with the requestYes
total_amountstringTotal amount of the request including taxYes
uploadFilestringFile uploaded with the requestNo
remarksstringAdditional remarks regarding the requestNo
transaction_datestringDate of the transactionYes
service_request_idstringID of the service requestNo
    "service_request_type": "adhoc_receivable",
    "service_request_subtype": "2",
    "service_type": "",
    "loan_id": "1234",  //replace with actual Loan Id
    "request_data": {
        "receivableDueDate": "2024-03-08",
        "receivable_charge": "interest_due_fc_charge",
        "amount": "10000",
        "reason": "1380",
        "tax_amount": "0",
        "total_amount": "10000",
        "uploadFile": "",
        "remarks": "",
        "transaction_date": "2024-03-08"
    "service_request_id": ""