Loan Action : Closure
The Synofin API's Loan Closure Action is linked to various closure that a user may initiate in accordance with their requirements. This feature involves different step which are :
GET Closure
This API is used for retrieving all the closure details for the specified Loan Id.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-management/v1/service-request/status
Request Type : GET
Authorization: Bearer Token
Data Type
Fixed = closure
Response: 200
{ "response": true, "data": true, "error": null }
Fetch Data for Closure
Upon fetching the SynoFin losure API. The user can choose the closure they must carry out in order to fulfil their demand at this point. Consequently, we use following APIs to retrieve the Data for the selected cancellation for the specified Loan Id.
POST Data For Loan Action
To obtain data for closure, utilise this API.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/service-request/getDataForLoanActions
Request Type : POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Query Parameter
No parameter
Loan Actions - Closure
Request Body
Response: 200
Fore Closure
{ "loan_id": "integer", "request_id": "foreclosure" }
{ "response": true, "data": { "balance_tenure": 0, "total_dues": 0, "loan_service_charge_rate": 0, "loan_service_charge_amount": 0, "refunds": 0, "principal_outstanding": 0, "unrealized_receipt": 0, "outstanding_charges": [], "interest_due": 0, "pending_installment_amount": 0, "total_waived_amount": 0, "per_day_interest": 0, "next_installment_presentation_date": "2024-02-02T18:30:00.000+00:00", "excess_money": 0, "net_closure_amount": 0, "last_due_date": "03-01-2024", "overdue_principal": 0, "lockin_period": 0, "total_waiver_amount": null, "balance_principal": 0 }, "error": null }
Maturity Closure
{ "loan_id": "integer", "request_id": "maturity_closure" }
{ "response": true, "data": { "balance_tenure": 0, "total_dues": 0, "refunds": 0, "principal_outstanding": 0, "unrealized_receipt": 0, "outstanding_charges": [], "interest_due": 0, "pending_installment_amount": 0, "total_waived_amount": 0, "per_day_interest": 0, "next_installment_presentation_date": "2024-02-02T18:30:00.000+00:00", "excess_money": 0, "net_closure_amount": 0, "last_due_date": "03-01-2024", "overdue_principal": 0, "balance_principal": 0 }, "error": null }
POST Master Data for Closure
To obtain Master data for closure, utilise this API.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-management/v1/getMasterType
Request Type : POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Query Parameter
No parameter
Loan Actions - Closure
Request -
Request Body
Response: 200
Fore Closure
[ { "type": "reason", "parent": "service_request_id", "parent_id": "foreclosure" }, { "type": "waiver_users" } ]
{ "response": true, "data": [ { "reason": {}, "waiver_users": {} } ], "error": null }
Maturity Closure
[ { "type": "reason", "parent": "service_request_id", "parent_id": "maturity_closure" }, { "type": "waiver_users" } ] ]
{ "response": true, "data": [ { "reason": {}, "waiver_users": {} } ], "error": null }
Saving / Initiation Request for Loan Action (Closure)
These are the APIs that are used to save loan closure or initiate service requests initiated by maker so that the checker can review them and then determine what they want to accomplish and either Approve or Reject the Request.
Consequently, we use following APIs to save or intiated the Loan Closure for the selected closure for the specified Loan Id.
POST Save Service Request
To save data for Cancellation, utilise this API.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/service-request/save
Request Type : POST
Authorization: Bearer Token
Query Parameter
No parameter
Loan Actions - Closure
Request Body
Response: 200
Fore Closure
{ "service_request_type": "foreclosure", "service_request_subtype": "2", "service_type": "", "loan_id": "0", "request_data": { "closure_date": "2024-02-14", "interest_till_date": "2024-02-14", "loan_service_charge_rate": 0, "is_write_off": false, "outstanding_charges": [ { "charge_code": "interest_due_fc_charge", "waiver": "0" }, { "charge_code": "total_principal_outstanding", "waiver": "0" }, { "charge_code": "total_interest_outstanding", "waiver": "0" } ], "remarks": "", "reason": "0" }, "service_request_id": "" }
{ "response": true, "data": { "result": null, "status": "initiated", "service_request_id": 0, "unique_transaction_number": null }, "error": null }
Maturity Closure
{ "service_request_type": "maturity_closure", "service_request_subtype": "2", "service_type": "", "loan_id": "0", "request_data": { "closure_date": "2024-02-14", "interest_till_date": "2024-02-14", "loan_service_charge_rate": 0, "is_write_off": false, "outstanding_charges": [ { "charge_code": "interest_due_fc_charge", "waiver": "0" }, { "charge_code": "total_principal_outstanding", "waiver": "0" }, { "charge_code": "total_interest_outstanding", "waiver": "0" } ], "remarks": "", "reason": "0" }, "service_request_id": "" }
{ "response": true, "data": { "result": null, "status": "initiated", "service_request_id": 0, "unique_transaction_number": null }, "error": null }
Request Approval / Rejection
The request must now be approved at the Request page, where users may examine requests and take action.
Click on the link below for knowing more about how request work's