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Loan Action: Get Data for Loan Action

POST Get Data for Loan Action

The getDataForLoanActions API by Synofin's Loan Modification Service fetches detailed data linked to a specific loan. It acts as a central hub for accessing crucial loan information like outstanding charges, insurance specifics, collateral status, and customer details. This API seamlessly integrates with different Synofin Loan Action APIs, empowering financial institutions to efficiently handle loan-related tasks.

URL: {{base_url}}/loan-modification/v1/service-request/getDataForLoanActions
Run in Postman: Loan Foreclosure


Request Type: POST
Authorization: Bearer Token

Query Params:
Attribute Data Type Description Mandatory
loan_id string Unique identifier of the loan Yes
request_id string

Specifies the type of request being made.

(Possible Loan Action Key)

Request Id Key
S. No Expected Request Id Keys Description
1 add_mandate Add mandate
2 add_new_bank_account Add new bank account
3 add_tds Add TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)
4 adhoc_payable Ad-hoc payable
5 bank_details Bank details
6 charge_cancellation Charge cancellation
7 collateral_release Collateral release
8 collateral_repossession Collateral repossession
9 collateral_sell Collateral sell
10 cross_knock_off Cross knock-off
11 customer_type Customer type
12 deposit_receipt Deposit receipt
13 beneficiary_details Beneficiary details
14 cashemi_presentation_hold Cash EMI presentation hold
15 charge_cancellation Charge cancellation
16 receipt_bank_reconciliation Receipt bank reconciliation
17 knock_off Knock-off
18 foreclosure_cancellation Foreclosure cancellation
19 reversal Reversal
20 payment_bank_reconciliation Payment bank reconciliation
21 part_release Partial release
22 foreclosure Foreclosure
23 payment_on_hold Payment is on hold
24 rescheduling_details Rescheduling details
25 rescheduling_cancellation Rescheduling cancellation
26 loan_cancellation Loan cancellation
27 deliverables_unblocking Deliverables unblocking
28 deliverables_blocking Deliverables blocking
29 poc_information Point of contact information
30 phone_number Phone number
31 cash_deposit Cash deposit
32 gst Goods and Services Tax (GST)
33 receipt_bounce Receipt bounce
34 receiptinsurance_update Receipt insurance update
35 ltv Loan to Value (LTV)
36 disable_bank_account Disable bank account
37 next_due_date Next due date
38 update_repayment_mode Update repayment mode
39 tranche_cancellation Tranche cancellation
40 tranche_disbursal Tranche disbursal
41 pending_reversal Pending reversal
42 edit_bank_details Edit bank details
43 unack_reversal Unacknowledged reversal
44 unack Unacknowledged
45 unmarking Unmarking
46 umrn_update UMRN update
47 pdcspdc_update Post Dated Cheque (PDC) Update
48 add_mandate Add mandate
49 beneficiary_details Beneficiary details
50 update_collateral Update collateral
51 pdd Post-dated document
52 receipt_transfer Receipt transfer
53 bank_details Bank details
54 email_address Email address
55 disable_bank_account Disable bank account
56 tds_ack_reversal TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) Acknowledged reversal
57 receipt_approved Receipt approved
58 payment_request_cancellation Payment request cancellation
59 payment_cancellation Payment cancellation
60 collateral_updated Collateral updated
61 waiver Waiver
62 mode Mode
63 unack Unacknowledged
64 sent_back Sent back
    "loan_id": "replace with actually Loan Id",
    "request_id": "action_key"


Success: 200 OK
responseBooleanResponse statusYes
dataObjectData object (Different Response According to request Id)No
errorAnyError detailsNo
    "response": true,
    "data": {
        Data object (Different Response According to request Id)
    "error": null