Loan Save New
POST Loan Creation / Loan Save
This endpoint allows the creation and saving of loan applications within the Synofin loan management system. Users can submit a request with the necessary details to initiate the loan application process.
Loan Application Base DTO
Customer Details Object
Customer Details Base Object
Attributes |
Data Type |
Description |
Mandatory |
dob |
Date |
remarks |
String |
email |
Array of Objects |
Email Details Object |
address |
Array of Objects |
Address Details Object |
documents |
Array of Objects |
Documents Details Object |
religion |
String |
caste |
String |
cibil |
Integer |
crif |
Integer |
industry |
website |
first_name |
last_name |
middle_name |
organization_name |
limit |
doi |
date_of_commencement |
non_individual_type |
gender_id |
category_id |
place_of_birth |
marital_status_id |
country_code |
contact_person_name |
contact_person_mobile |
contact_person_email |
preferred_address |
phone_number |
Phone Number Detail Object |
Email Object
Attributes |
Data Type |
Description |
Mandatory |
type |
String |
email |
String |
Address Object
Attributes |
Data Type |
Description |
Mandatory |
line1 |
String |
line2 |
String |
pincode |
Integer |
city |
String |
state |
String |
country |
String |
type |
String |
state_code |
String |
residence_type |
String |
Document Detail Object
Attributes |
Data Type |
Description |
Mandatory |
description |
document_url |
document_value |
is_verified |
applicant_type |
customer_name |
other_document_name |
customer_id |
document_type |
document_status |
document_state |
receiving_date |
document_file |
document_format |
loan_id |
document_stage |
disbursal_stage |
document_department |
Phone Number Detail Object
Attributes |
Data Type |
Description |
Mandatory |
type |
String |
phone |
String |
code |
String |
extn |
String |
is_whatsapp_no |
Boolean |