Fetch Basic Details for Loan
GET Basic Loan Details for Loan Id
This SynoFin API retrieves all the essential loan information using this Loan Viewer API using Loan Id.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-management/v1/getBasicLoanDetails
Run in Postman: GET Loan Basic Details
Key | Data Type | Description | Validations | Default Value | Required |
loanId | Integer | Unique identity constraint | N/A | - | Yes |
Success: 200 OK
Attribute | Data Type | Description | Mandatory |
dpd | Numeric | Days past due | No |
String | Email address of the customer | No | |
address | String | Customer's address | No |
tenure | Numeric | Loan tenure (months) | No |
foir | Numeric | Fixed Obligation to Income Ratio | No |
source_application_number | String | Unique identifier for the source application | No |
dealer_id | String | Dealer ID | No |
loan_application_id | Numeric | Loan application ID | Yes |
convert_to_tl_tenure | Numeric | Converted to term loan tenure | No |
interest_rate | Numeric | Interest rate (%) | Yes |
original_tenure | Numeric | Original loan tenure (months) | Yes |
ltv_ratio | Numeric | Loan to Value ratio (%) | Yes |
loan_amount | Numeric | Loan amount (INR) | Yes |
loan_tenure | Numeric | Loan tenure (months) | Yes |
installments_paid | Numeric | Number of installments paid | Yes |
loan_marking | Array | Details of any loan markings | No |
installment_amount | Numeric | Installment amount (INR) | Yes |
principal_outstanding | Numeric | Principal outstanding (INR) | Yes |
customer_name | String | Customer's name | Yes |
customer_father_name | String | Customer's father's name | No |
phone_no | String | Customer's phone number | Yes |
is_whatsapp_no | Boolean | Indicates if the phone number is for WhatsApp | No |
advance_installment_count | Numeric | Count of advance installments | No |
advance_installment_amount | Numeric | Amount of advance installments (INR) | No |
total_overdue | Numeric | Total overdue amount (INR) | No |
emi_due | Numeric | Due EMI amount (INR) | No |
other_charges | Numeric | Other charges associated with the loan (INR) | No |
disbursed_by | String | Name of the disbursing authority | No |
source_application_identifier | String | Identifier for the source application | No |
product | String | Type of product | Yes |
scheme | String | Loan scheme | Yes |
loan_type | String | Type of loan | No |
loan_application_number | String | Unique identifier for the loan application | Yes |
balance_principal | Numeric | Balance principal amount (INR) | Yes |
interest_rate_monthly | Numeric | Monthly interest rate (%) | Yes |
no_of_disbursement | Numeric | Number of disbursements | Yes |
customer_id | Numeric | Customer ID | Yes |
lending_rate | Numeric | Lending rate (%) | No |
scheme_lending_rate | Numeric | Scheme lending rate (%) | No |
emi_amount | Numeric | EMI amount (INR) | No |
utilized_limit | Numeric | Utilized loan limit (INR) | No |
dsa_name | String | Name of the Direct Selling Agent (DSA) | No |
unrealized_limit_amount | Numeric | Unrealized loan limit amount (INR) | No |
branch_manager | String | Branch manager's name | No |
sourcing_channel | String | Channel through which the loan was sourced | No |
risk_category | String | Risk category of the loan | No |
sourcing_channel_type | String | Type of sourcing channel | Yes |
pd_location | String | Location for probability of default calculation | No |
account_classification | String | Classification of the loan account | No |
drawing_power | Numeric | Drawing power (INR) | Yes |
lien_mark | String | Indicates if there's a lien mark on the loan | No |
lien_amount | Numeric | Amount marked as lien (INR) | No |
tos | Numeric | Terms of service | No |
debit_freeze | String | Indicates if there's a debit freeze on the account | No |
total_freeze | String | Indicates if there's a total freeze on the account | No |
pemi_count | Numeric | Count of pre-EMIs | No |
loan_net_worth | Numeric | Net worth of the loan (INR) | No |
start_principle_recovery | Numeric | Start principle recovery (INR) | No |
caf_number | String | Customer Application Form (CAF) number | No |
no_of_cheque_bounce | Numeric | Count of cheque bounces | No |
dealer_code | String | Code for the dealer | No |
advance_emi | Numeric | Advance EMI amount (INR) | No |
advance_emi_payment_mode | String | Payment mode for advance EMI | No |
total_moratorium_count | Numeric | Total count of moratorium periods | No |
next_emi_amount | Numeric | Amount of the next EMI (INR) | No |
moratorium_period | Numeric | Moratorium period (months) | No |
advance_amount_recovery_type | String | Type of advance amount recovery | No |
total_nach_bounce_count | Numeric | Total count of NACH bounces | No |
total_count_of_repayment | Numeric | Total count of repayments | No |
whatsapp_no | String | WhatsApp number of the customer | No |
aggregated_ltv | Numeric | Aggregated Loan to Value ratio (%) | No |
overline_amount | Numeric | Overline amount (INR) | No |
total_number_of_bounce_count | Numeric | Total number of bounce counts | No |
installment_receipt_bounce_count | Numeric | Count of bounced installment receipts | No |
moratorium_type | String | Type of moratorium | No |
moratorium_months | Numeric | Number of months in the moratorium period | No |
account_type | String | Type of loan account | No |
remarks | String | Additional remarks | No |
disbursal_author_name | String | Name of the disbursing authority | No |
product_type | String | Type of product | Yes |
credit_manager_code | String | Code of the credit manager | No |
sourcing_rm_code | String | Code of the sourcing relationship manager | No |
branch_manager_code | String | Code of the branch manager | No |
limit_expiry_date | String | Expiry date of the loan limit | No |
repayment_van | String | Mode of repayment | No |
tds_mode | String | TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) mode | No |
portfolio_code | String | Code of the loan portfolio | No |
area_code | String | Area code | No |
credit_type | String | Type of credit | No |
tenure_unit | String | Unit of loan tenure | No |
sanction_by | String | Authority that sanctioned the loan | No |
emi_hold | String | Indicates if there's a hold on EMI payments | No |
payments_in_between | String | Details of any payments made in between EMIs | No |
nature_of_loan | String | Nature of the loan | No |
nature_of_business | String | Nature of the customer's business | No |
psl_category | String | Priority Sector Lending (PSL) category | No |
is_colending | Boolean | Indicates if the loan is co-lending | No |
accounting_write_off | Boolean | Indicates if the loan is written off in accounting records | No |
psl_sub_category | String | Sub-category of Priority Sector Lending (PSL) | No |
repayment | String | Details of repayment terms | No |
product_category | String | Category of the loan product | No |
product_sub_category | String | Sub-category of the loan product | No |
bulk_upload_id | String | ID of the bulk upload | No |
existing_lan | String | Details of any existing loans | No |
psl_name | String | Name of the Priority Sector Lending (PSL) | No |
psl_remarks | String | Remarks related to Priority Sector Lending (PSL) | No |
customer_branch | String | Branch where the customer is associated | No |
customer_profile | String | URL to the customer's profile image | No |
disbursal_status | String | Status of the loan disbursal | Yes |
sourcing_rm | String | Name of the sourcing relationship manager | No |
loan_status | String | Status of the loan | Yes |
credit_manager | String | Name of the credit manager | Yes |
sourcing_branch | String | Branch from which the loan was sourced | Yes |
disbursal_date | String | Date of loan disbursal | Yes |
maturity_date | String | Date of loan maturity | Yes |
asset_classification | String | Classification of the loan asset | Yes |
tenure_convention | String | Convention followed for loan tenure | No |
interest_start_date | String | Start date for interest calculation | Yes |
repayment_start_date | String | Start date for loan repayment | Yes |
repayment_mode | String | Mode of loan repayment | No |
disbursed_start_date | String | Start date for loan disbursal | Yes |
disbursed_final_date | String | Final date for loan disbursal | Yes |
agreement_date | String | Date of agreement | No |
string_interest_rate | String | Interest rate as a string | Yes |
string_interest_rate_monthly | String | Monthly interest rate as a string | Yes |
rate_type | String | Type of interest rate | No |
total_limit | Numeric | Total loan limit | Yes |
remaining_limit | Numeric | Remaining loan limit | Yes |
login_date | String | Date of loan application | Yes |
total_due_amount | Numeric | Total amount due | No |
irr | Numeric | Internal Rate of Return (IRR) | No |
balance_tenure | Numeric | Remaining tenure (months) | No |
recovery_type | String | Type of recovery | No |
recovery_sub_type | String | Sub-type of recovery | No |
relationship_with_applicant | String | Relationship of the applicant with the loan | No |
customer_nationality | String | Nationality of the customer | No |
segement | String | Segment of the loan | No |
offer_amount | Numeric | Offered loan amount | No |
partial_tenure | Numeric | Partial tenure (months) | No |
subvention_amount | Numeric | Subvention amount (INR) | No |
subvention_amount_without_tax | Numeric | Subvention amount without tax (INR) | No |
over_line | Numeric | Overline amount (INR) | No |
partner | String | Partner associated with the loan | No |
subvention_tax_amount | Numeric | Subvention tax amount (INR) | No |
subvention_type | String | Type of subvention | No |
state_head | String | Head of the state | No |
branch_hierarcy | String | Hierarchy of the branch | No |
cost_of_asset | Numeric | Cost of the asset (INR) | No |
customer_irr | Numeric | Customer's Internal Rate of Return (IRR) | No |
over_due | Numeric | Overdue amount (INR) | No |
sourcing_rm_name | String | Name of the sourcing relationship manager | No |
sourcing_supervisor | String | Name of the sourcing supervisor | No |
cancellation_date | String | Date of loan cancellation | No |
loan_closure_date | String | Date of loan closure | No |
dpd_effective_date | String | Effective date of DPD | No |
agreed_amount | Numeric | Agreed loan amount | Yes |
emi_cycle | Numeric | EMI cycle (days) | Yes |
foreclosed_amount | Numeric | Foreclosed amount (INR) | Yes |
limit_start_date | String | Start date of the loan limit | Yes |
limit_end_date | String | End date of the loan limit | Yes |
first_name | String | First name of the customer | No |
last_name | String | Last name of the customer | No |
middle_name | String | Middle name of the customer | No |
rbi_activity_classification | String | RBI activity classification | No |
total_outstanding_receivables | Numeric | Total outstanding receivables (INR) | No |
payment_on_hold_status | Boolean | Indicates if payment is on hold | No |
payment_on_hold_reason | String | Reason for holding payment | No |
pending_tranche_amount | Numeric | Pending tranche amount (INR) | No |
loan_relation_details | Array | Details of loan relationships | No |
is_adhoc | String | Indicates if the loan is ad-hoc | No |
is_subvention | String | Indicates if subvention is applied to the loan | No |
maturity_closure_date | String | Date of maturity closure | No |
anchor_rate | Numeric | Anchor rate | No |
spread | Numeric | Spread | Yes |
"response": true,
"data": {
"dpd": 0,
"email": "string",
"address": "string",
"tenure": 0,
"foir": 0,
"source_application_number": "string",
"dealer_id": null,
"loan_application_id": 0,
"interest_rate": 0,
"original_tenure": 0,
"ltv_ratio": 0,
"loan_amount": 0,
"loan_tenure": 0,
"installments_paid": 0,
"loan_marking": [],
"installment_amount": 0,
"principal_outstanding": 0,
"customer_name": "string",
"phone_no": "string",
"is_whatsapp_no": null,
"advance_installment_count": 0,
"advance_installment_amount": 0,
"total_overdue": 0,
"emi_due": 0,
"other_charges": 0,
"disbursed_by": null,
"source_application_identifier": null,
"product": "string",
"scheme": "string",
"loan_type": null,
"loan_application_number": "string",
"balance_principal": 0,
"interest_rate_monthly": null,
"no_of_disbursement": 0,
"customer_id": 0,
"lending_rate": null,
"scheme_lending_rate": null,
"emi_amount": 0,
"utilized_limit": 0,
"dsa_name": null,
"unrealized_limit_amount": null,
"applied_amount": null,
"branch_manager": "",
"sourcing_channel": null,
"risk_category": null,
"sourcing_channel_type": null,
"pd_location": null,
"account_classification": "",
"drawing_power": 0,
"lien_mark": "string",
"lien_amount": 0,
"tos": 0,
"debit_freeze": "No",
"total_freeze": "No",
"pemi_count": 0,
"loan_net_worth": null,
"start_principle_recovery": true,
"caf_number": null,
"no_of_cheque_bounce": 0,
"dealer_code": null,
"advance_interest": null,
"advance_emi": null,
"advance_emi_payment_mode": null,
"advance_interest_payment_mode": null,
"total_moratorium_count": 0,
"next_emi_amount": null,
"grace_period": null,
"delinquency": null,
"moratorium_period": null,
"advance_amount_recovery_type": null,
"total_nach_bounce_count": 0,
"total_count_of_repayment": 0,
"whatsapp_no": null,
"aggregated_ltv": null,
"overline_amount": 0,
"total_number_of_bounce_count": 0,
"moratorium_type": null,
"moratorium_months": null,
"loan_purpose": null,
"account_type": null,
"remarks": null,
"customer_branch": null,
"customer_profile": "",
"disbursal_status": "string",
"sourcing_rm": null,
"loan_status": "string",
"credit_manager": null,
"sourcing_branch": "string",
"disbursal_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"maturity_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"asset_classification": null,
"tenure_convention": null,
"interest_start_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"repayment_start_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"repayment_mode": "DRE",
"disbursed_start_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"disbursed_final_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"agreement_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"string_interest_rate": "String",
"string_interest_rate_monthly": "string",
"rate_type": null,
"total_limit": null,
"remaining_limit": 0,
"login_date": null,
"total_due_amount": 0,
"irr": 0,
"balance_tenure": 0,
"recovery_type": null,
"recovery_sub_type": "0",
"relationship_with_applicant": null,
"customer_nationality": null,
"segement": null,
"offer_amount": null,
"partial_tenure": null,
"subvention_amount": null,
"over_line": null,
"partner": null,
"subvention_tax_amount": null,
"subvention_type": null,
"state_head": "",
"branch_hierarcy": null,
"cost_of_asset": 0,
"product_type": "string",
"customer_irr": 0,
"over_due": null,
"sourcing_rm_name": null,
"sourcing_supervisor": null,
"cancellation_date": null,
"loan_closure_date": "dd/MM/yyyy",
"dpd_effective_date": null,
"agreed_amount": 0
"error": null
Status Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Attribute |
Type | Description | Mandatory | |
response |
String | Internal status code that denotes the status of request | Yes | |
data |
Object | Response Object for the given inputs | No | |
error | Object Data | Object | Internal error object for the given inputs | Yes |
code | integer | Internal error code for API | Yes | |
text | String | Error message for the API | No | |
detail | String | Reason / Detail for the cause of error | No |
Expected messages as per Status API :
Error Code | Description |
107001 | An Exception occurred in saving data |
"response": false,
"data": null,
"error": {
"code": 0,
"text": "string",
"detail": "string"
Unauthorized: 401
Note: If the API is not authorized with the Token or if the authorization token has expired, this error is going to show up.
"code": 401,
"message": "auth fail, you can retry!"
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