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Getting Started


The documentation for all the SynoFin LMS's APIs and their features is collected in a box called API Box. REST APIs are used by the integrated SaaS package SynoFin LMS to complete all client and service requirements. The SynoFin Admin Portal must be used to create the user before they may access and use the API.

User Creation and Authorization

Using the admin panel, a user must be created before they may use the SynoFin LMS. SynoFin LMS primarily adheres to Three user categories—Maker, Checker, and Public—are divided according to their access rights and ability to do actions in the SynoFin LMS, with Checker having the most access rights and Common user having the least.

After the user is created and logged in at the Login Panel, the system will generate a Bearer token when the user logs in to system to ensure that the user is valid and then maintains the session for 59 Minutes. The Bearer token expires after this time limit, the user will automatically log out of the SynoFin LMS; in this case, the user must log back in and generate a new Bearer Token.

To know more about SynoFin Admin panel Click on the Link:

SynoFin - Admin Panel