Loan Action : Get Dedupe Details
POST Dedupe Details
SynoFin API gets information about Customers and Collateral Dedupe based on user-supplied parameters for the respective dedupe_keys (separated by ","). To obtain dedupe details, please refer to the filters for dedupe details, which provide references to various parameters.
URL: {{base_url}}/loan-management/v1/getDedupeDetails
Run in Postman: GET Dedupe Details
Dedupe Details filters:
This is a list of all the parameters that can be used to retrieve individual Customer / Collateral dedupe information. Their are mainly two way to perform this in SynoFin:
1. Base Filters :
Dedupe Base Filters Attributes
S. No | Attribute | Key | Data Type |
1 |
Customer Name |
customer_name | String |
2 | Mobile Number | mobile_number | String |
3 | Customer Date of Birth | customer_dob | String |
4 | Customer Current Address | current_address | String |
5 | Customer Parmanent Address | permanent_address | String |
6 | Customer Guardian Name | customer_guardian_name | String |
7 | Customer PAN | pan | String |
8 | Customer Aadhar Card No | aadhar | String |
9 | Customer Voter ID | voter_id | String |
10 | Customer Passport | passport | String |
11 | Customer Driving License | driving_license | String |
12 | Customer Form 60 | form_60 | String |
13 | Customer TIN | tin | String |
14 | Customer Bank Account Number | bank_account_number | String |
15 | Customer Bank IFSC Code | ifsc_code | String |
16 | Customer Father Name | customer_father_name | String |
S. No | Attribute | Key | Data Type |
1 |
Collateral Registration No (Vehicle/Property) |
registration_number | String |
2 | Collateal Chasis No. | chasis_no | String |
3 | Collateral Engine Number | engine_no | String |
4 | Collateral Property Address | property_address | String |
5 | Collateral Property Distance | property_distance | String |
6 | Collateral Address | owner_name | String |
7 | Pincode | pincode | Integer |
8 | Khasra Number | khasra_number | Integer |
9 | Longitude | property_long | Double |
10 | Latitude | property_lat | Double |
2. Combination Filters:
Customer Dedupe Combination Filters Attributes
S. No | Attribute | Key | Data Type |
1 |
Customer Name And DOB |
1. customer_name 2. customer_dob |
String |
2 | Customer Name And Fathers Name |
1. customer_name 2. customer_father_name |
String |
3 | Bank Account Number and IFSC Code |
1. bank_account_number 2. ifsc_code |
String |
4 | Customer Name And Phone Number |
1. customer_name 2. mobile_number |
String |
5 | Customer Name And Guardian Name |
1. customer_name 2. customer_guardian_name |
String |
6 | Customer Name And Current Address |
1. customer_name 2. current_address |
String |
7 | Customer PAN And Aadhar |
1. pan 2. aadhar |
String |
8 | Customer Mobile Number and DOB |
1. mobile_number 2. customer_dob |
String |
9 | Customer Current address and Mobile Number |
1. current_address 2. mobile_number |
String |
10 | Customer Name, Current Address and Father Name |
1. customer_name 2. current_address 3. customer_father_name |
String |
11 | Customer Father name and Current Address |
1. customer_father_name 2. current_address |
String |
12 | Customer Name, Current Address and DOB |
1. customer_name 2. current_address 3. customer_dob |
String |
13 | Customer Name, Customer DOB, And Pan |
1. customer_name 2. pan 3. customer_dob |
String |
14 | Customer Name, Customer DOB, And Aadhar |
1. customer_name 2. aadhar 3. customer_dob |
String |
15 | Customer Name, Customer DOB, And Voter Id |
1. customer_name 2. voter_id 3. customer_dob |
String |
16 | Customer Name, Customer DOB, And Driving License |
1. customer_name 2. driving_license 3. customer_dob |
String |
S. No | Attribute | Dedupe Sub Type | Key | Data Type |
1 |
Property Address, Pincode and Khasra Number |
property |
1. property_address 2. pincode 3. khasra_number |
String Integer |
2 |
Registration Number, Chasis No, and Engine Number |
vehicle |
1. registration_number 2. chasis_no 3. engine_no |
String String String |
Query Params:
Attribute | Data Type | Description | Mandatory | |
dedupe_type | String | Type of Depude (customer / collateral | Yes | |
dedupe_sub_type | integer | No | ||
dedupe_key | String | Depude Filter base parameter | Yes | |
dedupe_percent | double | Percentage of Depude (Default "0") | Yes | |
dedupe_params |
{ | Aleast One Params is required | ||
//Customer Dedupe params: |
customer_name | String | Filter against Customer Name | No | |
mobile_number | String | Filter against Mobile Number | No | |
customer_dob | String | Filter against Customer Dob | No | |
current_address | String | Filter against Current Address | No | |
permanent_address | String | Filter against Permanent Address | No | |
guardian_name | String | Filter against Guardian Name | No | |
pan | String | Filter against PAN | No | |
aadhar | String | Filter against Aadhar | No | |
voter_id | String | Filter against Voter Id | No | |
passport | String | Filter against Passport | No | |
driving_license | String | Filter against Driving License | No | |
form_60 | String | Filter against Form 60 | No | |
tin | String | Filter against TIN | No | |
bank_account_number | String | Filter against Bank Account Number | No | |
ifsc_code | String | Filter against IFSC code | No | |
father_name | String | Filter against Father Name | No | |
//Collateral Dedupe params: |
registration_number | String | Filter Against Property No. | No | |
chasis_no | String | Filter Against Vehicle Chasis No. | No | |
engine_no | String | Filter Against Engine No. | No | |
property_address | String | Filter Against Property No. | No | |
property_distance | String | Filter Against Property Distance | No | |
owner_name | String | Filter Against Collateral Owner name |
No | |
pincode | Integer | Filter Againt Pincode | No | |
khasra_number | Integer | Filter Againt Khasra Number | No | |
property_long | Double | Filter Againt Longitude | No | |
property_lat | Double | Filter Againt Latitude | No | |
} |
"dedupe_type": "customer",
"dedupe_sub_type": null,
"dedupe_key": "customer_name", //(To pass multiple key please refer the format ["customer_name, customer_dob"])
"dedupe_percent": "0.5",
"dedupe_params": {
//_____________ Customers Dedupe Param Start _____________ //
"customer_name" : "",
"mobile_number" : "",
"customer_dob" : "",
"current_address" : "",
"permanent_address" : "",
"customer_guardian_name" : "",
"pan" : "",
"aadhar" : "",
"voter_id" : "",
"passport" : "",
"driving_license" : "",
"form_60" : "",
"tin" : "",
"bank_account_number" : "",
"ifsc_code" : "",
"customer_father_name" : "",
//_____________ Customers Dedupe Param End _____________ //
//_____________ Collateral Dedupe Param Start _____________ //
"registration_number" : "",
"chasis_no" : "",
"engine_no" : "",
"property_address" : "",
"property_distance" : "",
"owner_name" : "",
"pincode" : 0,
"khasra_number" : 0,
"property_lon" : 0.0,
"gproperty_lat" : 0.0
//_____________ Collateral Dedupe Param End _____________ //
Success: 200 OK
Attribute |
Type | Description |
Mandatory | |||
response |
String | Internal status code that denotes the status of the request |
Yes | |||
data | Object Data | Object | Success Response Object |
Yes | ||
"pan": "string", |
Yes | |||||
error |
String | Internal error object for the given inputs |
Yes |
"response": true,
"data": [
"pan": "string",
"aadhar": "string",
"passport": "string",
"dedupe_type": "",
"dedupe_subtype": null,
"dedupe_key": "",
"dedupe_percent": 0.0,
"property_address": "string",
"property_distance": "string",
"chasis_no": "string",
"engine_number": "string",
"customer_name": "string",
"mobile_number": "string",
"global_customer_id": "string",
"source_application_number": "string",
"loan_application_number": "string",
"customer_guardian_name": "string",
"customer_dob": "string",
"voter_id": "string",
"driving_license": "string",
"collateral_id": "string",
"global_collateral_id": "string",
"registration_number": "string",
"owner_name": "string",
"customer_id": "string",
"customer_type": "string",
"current_address": "string",
"permanent_address": "string",
"loan_id": 0,
"ifsc_code": "string",
"customer_father_name": "string",
"bank_account_number": "string",
"property_pincode": "string",
"khasra_number": "string",
"property_long": 0,
"property_lat": 0
"error": null
Internal Server Error : 500
Note: If dedupe_parameter is not given or all the parameter are null/empty system will reflect this Error
Attribute |
Type | Description | Mandatory | |
response |
String | Internal status code that denotes the status of request | Yes | |
data |
Object | Response Object for the given inputs | No | |
error | Object Data | Object | Internal error object for the given inputs | Yes |
code | integer | Internal error code for API | Yes | |
text | String | Error message for the API | No | |
detail | String | Reason / Detail for the cause of error | No |
"response": false,
"data": null,
"error": {
"code": 1017000,
"text": "No match found for the requested parameters: customer_name Please check the combination against karanludhani",
"detail": null,
"validation": null
Unauthorized: 401
Note: If the API is not authorized with the Token or if the authorization token has expired, this error is going to show up.
"code": 401,
"message": "auth fail, you can retry!"
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